creation, practicality, functionality, beauty, environmental factors
and economics
= Product excellence
can give you the market edge that your product idea needs and
requires to successfully stay within the desired market. It is
best to come to an Industrial designer at an early pre production
stage to ensure maximum intuitive human interaction with the final
product and thus can effect some of the form principles at an
early stage, but this is not always the case so Product Form will
investigate your present needs and effectively blend solutions
into your existing structures.
design has formally been around since the industrial revolution
but if you look further it can be traced back to renaissance inventors
like Leonardo Da vinci or even further, it was here that they
combined the two separate disciplines of ART and SCIENCE to become
one. Design involves the skilled integration of intelligence and
resources to deliver effective solutions which meet the existing
and future requirements of consumers, industry and the national
interest for the term of the products life.